Pictures from the 2003 Canadian Nationals Tournament in Victoria, hosted by Vancouver. They are in no particular order.

One of the Edmonton juniors, Alia.

Team Québec, doing their silly pose.

Team Montréal, who came in second place!

Adam Jockitch*.

A very packed back seat. Nick H, Connie B, Matt T and Amy C are all in there, somewhere. I climb on top a few seconds later.

Dave managed to wrestle the front seat from the rest of us (he's bigger).

Part of the Montréal team accepting their silver medals. Those actually from Montréal had to leave earlier.

Vancouver, accepting their GOLD medals, the bums.

Chris A, eh.

Nick H attacking a tree at uVic. We attacked alot of foliage that night.

Gilles and Connie B at the Crystal Gardens downtown Victoria.

Nick and I found this bird running around, so, naturally, we chased it.

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting "Spotted Dick". This oddity was found in an English treat store downtown Victoria. I won't reveal the identity of the model for his own safety.
(It's Nick.)

The bus: our mode of transportation for far too long.

The bus, ten years later (well, it seemed that long).

We had passed over the deep end mere moments before this photograph was taken.

The Calgary Intermediates.

Mike B, looking strange.

Adam Jockitch*, soon to be on the cover of the latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

The Calgary Intermediates #2.

Jay I from the Calgary Int., showing off his greatest talent.

Mike B and Jay I, looking weird, again (they're good at that).

Adam and Mike (doing his thing).

Surprise picture at the uVic dorms.

Matt T; he's not actually that pale!

Another packed backseat with Tyler L, Connie B and Matt T.

Tuna car #3 with Nick H, Chris A and Jim J (three teams, one car!).

The Edmonton group at the great CUGA meeting.

Connie B and Scott C, Edmonton prostars.

Gilles B and his dad.

Dave H. He's usually not this intimidating... usually.

Edmonton getting pumped. We were ready to take on the world! ... Or maybe a nice warm bed. Dave H, Mike B, Matt T, Tyler L, Adam J, and Chris A.

Alright, who stole my camera?

The Edmonton Juniors getting coached.

*Note: Jockitch isn't actually Adam's last name, but we'd prefer if you called him that.

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